Days With Dad
In 2012, Bayoc began his 365 Days with Dad series. This New Year’s resolution to paint a positive image of black fatherhood each day for the entire year resulted in a journey that was inspiring (and exhausting!), ultimately resulting in the sharing of many stories of good experiences, no experience and hopeful experiences of Dads of all life stages. The project started a dialogue within the community about the importance of a strong foundation and support system for all children, no matter the age.

when i become dad
Bayoc’s 2012 painting series, “365 Days with Dad,” reflects a positive image of black fatherhood. Following that series, Bayoc wrote a book titled “When I Become Dad,” which he describes as “a few images and words of encouragement for our youth to think about when that magical day comes when they themselves become someone's "daddy." Especially those that have not had the best of examples. Please place this in the hands of as many young (and not so young) men as you possibly can.
Dads Don't Baby Sit!
Artist, Cbabi Bayoc who is working to inspire Fathers (specifically African American) to more fully engage with their children. Just because you may not have had a great relationship with your father is no excuse for you not to have one with your child.
Here is a St. Louis artist who's going to talk about his most recent work entitled '365 Days a Dad', which is about inspiring black men by representing them involved in the everyday lives of their children. With 3 children himself, he is trying to project more positive paternal roll modeling in the black community.